Category Archives: Stout

Sierra Nevada Stout

Sierra Nevada Brewing (Chico, California)
Style: Stout
ABV: 5.8% 

Ah, what a night! It’s hovering in the teens, temperature-wise, in Chicago. What better way to cap a long day than a California stout?

Luckily, I picked up Sierra Nevada’s finest Stout.

The adjectives on the label aren’t kidding. The Stout pours a deep, deep color: almost black with hints of red. In fact, it is very opaque yet even when put up to the light. Its foamy head even has a reddish tint to it.

I wasn’t anticipating drinking beer tonight and my refrigerator kept the beer a bit too chilled for my tastes. Because of this, I wasn’t able to detect much of a scent. All I could get was a faint scent of roasted malts; I couldn’t smell the chocolate or coffee that others have claimed.

The Stout has a medium mouth feel, which surprised me because I was expecting a very thick brew due to the color. Again, the feel was very even on my tongue with a quickly fading carbonation to boot.

The brew was very smooth and crisp. It tasted more malty and slightly of chocolate once it warmed up. It had a long, hoppy aftertaste.

Overall, it’s a very good beer. Sierra Nevada makes yet another refreshing drink that is sure to please party-goers looking to delve into stouts. Its 5.8% alcohol by volume definitely makes it sessionable during long winter nights.

3/4 Dark Stouts

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Filed under American, Stout