Category Archives: India Pale Ale

Round Barn Brewery Oak-Aged IPA

Oak-Aged IPA
The Round Barn Brewery (Baroda, Michigan)
Style: India Pale Ale
ABV: 6.75% 

A patient of mine was kind enough to bring a bottle of Round Barn Brewery’s Oak-Aged India Pale Ale. Round Barn, apparently, is a winery in Michigan that recently opened a complementary brewery.

I have not had much experience with Michigan brews, so I was very excited when my patient surprised me with a bottle!

Oak-Aged pours an opaque orange blonde, with a sizable head. The head is very foamy and chunky, and tastes distinctly of hops and wood.

The smell is quite nice and sweet. I could detect smells of grape, woody and hoppy.

The mouthfeel was medium-to-light, but more on the side of medium. Taste-wise, it was just okay.  It tastes woody, with a mellow hop kick. The hops aren’t extremely strong and the finish is quick.

Overall, it was a nice treat but there was ultimately nothing noteworthy about this particular brew. I would, however, definitely be open to trying the rest of Baroda’s finest.


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Filed under American, India Pale Ale