Category Archives: American Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Sierra Nevada Brewing (Chico, California)
Style: American Pale Ale
ABV: 5.6% 

I’m ashamed to admit that I’m a California-born beer enthusiast that has not enjoyed Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale while sober. Tonight changed that.

I poured it out and enjoy what many believe is the quintessential American-style Pale Ale. The ale has a deep, consistent orange color. It has a rather thick, lacy head and clung to the side of the glass.

Aromatically, it smelled sweet but not overpowering. Just tempting enough to want to smell again.

The body had a medium mouthfeel that was very consistent, much like its color. I could feel the carbonation, but only slightly.

Sharp finish, with a delayed, bitter, malty aftertaste.

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale is a very smooth, sessionable beer. It will certainly pop up again in my rotation.


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